Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall things!

Happy Halloween! Today finally feels like fall in Charleston, in fact, I had to wear my winter jacket to the farmers market this morning. Since we are hanging out on the couch watching Badger football I figured I would fill you in on what we've been up to!

A few weeks ago we went and saw Young Frankenstein at the Dock Street theater. Not knowing anything about the story, I was pleasantly surprised, we both really enjoyed it.

I bought more pumpkin things, you can put this on anything and it makes it better.

And I bought more flowers.

We tried out boulder rock climbing, I was not good, but it was fun!

Andy made short ribs and grits, he did a good job.

Pumpkin mousse parfait, my contribution.

We watched a scary movie, You're Next. Andy was scared.

I put up some fall decor and lit every cinnamon/pumpkin/vanilla candle we owned.

Speaking of candles, we picked this up at Kohl's and it's amazing. Get it now.

Andy played video games :)

I recently discovered a local farmer that delivers pasture raised products to your front door, I really love knowing where our food is coming from!

We enjoyed happy hour with friends.

Sampled wedding cake....our favorite was the italian cream and the carrot cake.

I enjoyed a girls night out.

We checked out a new Mexican restaurant that had awesome margaritas, homemade tortillas AND tables with built in drawers for silverware and napkins, how convenient?!

One of the last sunsets before it starts getting dark at 5pm....

Andy and I bundled up this morning at the Summerville Farmer's Market.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend, GO BUCKY!