Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! I know it's been a while since my last post, but these past few weeks have kind of been a whirlwind! There was a lot of traveling involved and a lot of celebrating, not just celebrating the holidays, but our engagement! I don't think this is news to most of you reading this, but Andy proposed to me on Thursday, the 19th before we headed back to the frozen tundra!
To start, I just want to quickly tell you how Andy proposed since some of you have been asking! That Thursday we had decided to exchange gifts. Andy had told me the day before that he was going to be making dinner and not to worry about it. That night Andy got home a bit later from work, went to the kitchen and told me not to look in the refrigerator, he said it was a surprise for dinner. We made some christmas cocktails, put on christmas music and opened gifts. I then asked what the plan was for dinner. He told me there was one last thing, he went into the bedroom and came out holding the tin we had been using for 24 Days of Togetherness. This was when I thought, "okay, this is a bit weird." He told me it was for dinner and I had to pick a slip. When I opened it, the top of the lid said "Two Lifetimes of Togetherness," and when I picked a slip it read "Say Yes," and when I looked up Andy was down on one knee with a ring!

I don't even think he actually said the words "Will you marry me," I just said yes and cried. It was a perfect surprise and it's a moment neither of us will forget, it still feels unreal!
It turned out Andy wasn't planning on making dinner, but had made a dinner reservation, so after making a few phone calls we headed to dinner and popped some champagne! I don't think either of us stopped smiling. I couldn't be happier to spend the rest of my life with this guy!
And of course we ordered dessert, I mean you only get engaged once!
I want to share a picture of the ring, not just because it's beautiful and I love it, but because Grandma Giannini, Andy's mom's mom, gave Andy her ring to use. It turned out perfectly and it means so much to everyone!
After that crazy night it was time to head home on Friday. I was so happy we were going home and we would be able to celebrate with friends and family. It turns out Andy wasn't sure when the ring would be ready so he didn't even know when he would be proposing. The timing was perfect!
Our first stop was Milwaukee! Friday night went way too quickly, but we saw a ton of friends! It was so fun! Thanks again to everyone who made it out!
Saturday night we celebrated an early Christmas with Andy's parents and ate a delicious steak at the Five O'clock Club! I love the atmosphere of that place!
Sunday morning we left Hartland and headed to Burlington to have brunch with Grandma Giannini and open gifts before we headed back to O'hare to catch our flight to Minneapolis.
Christmas Eve we headed to Grandma Grupa's house to celebrate with my Dad's family. The cousins did a good job of color coordinating this year!
Christmas morning was spent at my parents house opening gifts...
Drinking mimosas....
And playing dress up with Cosmos, or trying to...
Steph and I also took Cosmos for a walk down to the park where we let her off her leash and she goes crazy running around!
She also does this thing we call "snorkeling," where she shoves her head in the snow and sniffs around. It's hilarious.
After lounging at my parent's house we headed to Grandma McClellan's house to hang out with my mom's family. I think we got ourselves the family Christmas card!
Steph and I got these adorable matching Llama sweaters from Jcrew! Who knew llamas could be so cute!
Sadly, it was time to head back to Charleston Thursday morning. It went by way too fast, but it was so nice to see everyone!!!
Unfortunately, that weekend I started feeling sick and by the time New Years Eve rolled around I was in the middle of battling a full blown sinus infection. Determined not to be completely lame Andy and I went out for dinner and had a few drinks. Home before midnight, I slipped into my uniform took some meds and passed out. Happy New Year!
New Year's Day we decided to brave the bars and meet a few of our friends out to cheer on the Badgers. Not going to lie, it's a little intimidating being two of the three Badger fans in a bar full of South Carolina fans. Tough loss Bucky :(
Despite the Badger loss and this cold I can't seem to kick, I must say, I think 2014 is going to be a good one! To all of my friends in Minnesota & Wisconsin, stay warm these next few days!
With that, here is a lovely photo of Smellis, I think he was doing yoga??